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Telin and CarbonEthics Plant 15,000 Mangroves to Restore Indonesia’s Coastlines

Writer: Ivan PradipaIvan Pradipa

Updated: Dec 11, 2024

Group photo of Telin and CarbonEthics representatives standing together holding a banner that reads '10,000 Mangrove Planting Expansion' at a mangrove restoration site in Tanjungpakis, Karawang, West Java, with a project signboard in the background.

Telkom Indonesia’s international subsidiary, Telin (Telekomunikasi Indonesia International), has joined forces with CarbonEthics to expand mangrove restoration efforts, as part of Telin’s broader #TelinForCOMMUNITY program. This “10,000 Mangrove Planting Expansion” initiative, launched on September 30, 2024, at Tanjungpakis, Karawang, West Java, aims to plant 10,000 mangrove trees, adding to last year’s 5,000 mangroves. Together, Telin and CarbonEthics planted 15,000 mangroves this year, targeting over 1,005 tonnes of CO₂ sequestration within the next 20 years.

Two local community members holding a young mangrove saplings at a planting site, wearing CarbonEthics shirts, with a background of a restored mangrove area in Tanjungpakis, Karawang, West Java.

Why Mangroves Are Key to Climate Action

Mangroves are powerful carbon sinks, capturing carbon up to 10 times more effectively than terrestrial forests. Additionally, they enhance water quality, prevent coastal erosion, and offer vital habitats for a variety of animals. However, practices like pollution, deforestation, and coastal expansion pose a major danger to these important ecosystems. Restoring mangroves is really important for our planet’s health and it’s more than just cutting down carbon emissions.

“Not only planting these mangroves but also ensuring their survival and giving positive impact to the coastal communities,” said Budi Satria Dharma Purba, Chief Executive Officer at Telin.

A representative giving a speech during the 10,000 Mangrove Planting Expansion event, with attendees wearing hats in the foreground and the Telin project signboard in the background at the mangrove restoration site in Tanjungpakis, Karawang, West Java.

Community-Driven Impact

At CarbonEthics, we believe that local communities are the key players in conservation efforts. By actively involving the residents of Tanjungpakis as primary stakeholders in the planting event, we empowered them to take charge of their coastal ecosystems. This hands-on participation not only educated them but also instilled a strong sense of ownership and responsibility, ensuring the long-term success of our conservation initiatives.

CarbonEthics CEO Bimo Soewadji, standing in the center, alongside Telin representatives and other participants, attentively listening to a speaker during the mangrove planting event at the restoration site in Tanjungpakis, Karawang, West Java.


Alongi, D. M. (2014). "Carbon sequestration in mangrove forests." Carbon Management, 5(3), 271-282.

Lee, S. Y., et al. (2014). "Mangrove restoration: a global review of the effectiveness of mangrove restoration." Marine Pollution Bulletin, 78(1-2), 1-10.

FAO (2020). "The State of the World’s Forests 2020." Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Lewis, R. R. (2005). "Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of mangrove forests." Ecological Engineering, 24(3), 403-418.


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