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Writer's pictureFilza Aprilia Dewi

Explore Our Mangrove Planting Site in Tanjungpakis, Karawang

CarbonEthics’ Mangrove Planting Site in Tanjungpakis

Explore Our Mangrove Planting Site in Tanjungpakis

One of Carbonethics’ planting sites is located in Tanjungpakis, Karawang, West Java, where we committed to preserving and enhancing mangrove ecosystems through restoration and community engagement. Our efforts, from mangrove restoration, community empowerment, developing sustainable infrastructure, and beyond, contribute to environmental conservation and eco-friendly economic growth. Let’s take a closer look at our initiatives and how they are making a difference.

CarbonEthics’Mangrove Seedling Nursery

Mangrove Seedling Nursery

Mangrove nurseries play a vital role in preparing seedlings for transplantation into their natural habitats. During the seedling nursery, we focus on the initial planting of mangrove seedlings for cultivation for 2-3 months until they are ready to be planted on the coast. By focusing on the cultivation of quality mangrove seedlings, we aim to support large-scale rehabilitation efforts. Healthy seedlings are the foundation of a thriving mangrove ecosystem, which is essential for coastal protection and carbon absorption.

CarbonEthics’ Mangrove Planting Site

This site also serves as a sanctuary for various fauna, including species like the Horseshoe Crab, which thrive in this restored ecosystem

Main Mangrove Planting Site

Our primary mangrove planting site is a hub of biodiversity and carbon capture. Over the next 20 years, it is estimated that each mangrove tree will absorb up to 67 kg of CO2 equivalent, helping to mitigate climate change. This site also serves as a sanctuary for various fauna, including species like the Horseshoe Crab, which thrive in this restored ecosystem.

CarbonEthics’ Mangrove Farmers (Elang Laut)

Meet Our Mangrove Farmers: The Elang Laut Group

Elang Laut Group has been at the forefront of mangrove planting in Tanjungpakis. Led by Pak Kardi, this group has been dedicated to conserving the environment around Bungin. With the support of CarbonEthics, they have mobilized youth in the region to restore the natural beauty of their coastal areas.

"Alhamdulillah, I used to struggle to preserve the Bungin environment on my own, and now together with CarbonEthics. I always involve young people, so (Bungin) can return to how it used to be." – Pak Kardi, Head of the Elang Laut Group

CarbonEthics’ Women Empowerment (KAWANIBU)

Empowering Women: The KAWANIBU Group

Through a collaboration with Yayasan Allianz Peduli, we integrate conservation with economic development. The KAWANIBU Group, comprising empowered women from Tanjungpakis, creates products such as Mangrove Dodol, Mangrove Stick, and Mangrove Juice. Their efforts not only generate sustainable income but also promote the long-term protection of the mangrove ecosystem.

CarbonEthics and communities implemented a hybrid wavebreaker system which are traditionally constructed by local farmers using recycled materials like used tires

Recycled Tires as Wavebreakers in Collaboration with Planet Ban and Communities

Over the past three decades, around 70 hectares of coastal land in Tanjung Pakis Village have been severely impacted by coastal erosion. In collaboration with Planet Ban, CarbonEthics and communities implemented a hybrid wavebreaker system which are traditionally constructed by local farmers using recycled materials like used tires. The elastic nature of the tires allows them to absorb wave energy, breaking it into lower kinetic energy, thereby reducing the strength of the waves and mitigating coastal erosion. These wave breakers serve multiple purposes: they help trap sediment, create a stable environment for mangrove growth, and reduce the impact of strong coastal currents on newly planted mangrove seedlings, increasing their survival rates.  This initiative could protect over 40,000 mangrove trees from high waves, enhancing conservation efforts and contributing to the livelihoods of 5% of the local population affected by erosion.

CarbonEthics is committed to restoring climate balance–which benefits the environment, economy, and society to achieve sustainable development while supporting local communities. Collaborate with us to grow more mangrove planting and improve the livelihood of local communities in Tanjungpakis!

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